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Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Battle of Chernobyl

The Battle of Chernobyl is a recent documentary made by Discovery Channel. Describes both the catastrophe and the aftermath and presents well informed neutral picture of the events. Some documentaries in my opinion are very biased and too demagogue - but this is not one of those. Contains rare original footage, pictures and some good re-enactments. Michael Gorbachev is also interviewed several times throughout the movie. Playtime is over 90 minutes, but it's well worth watching if you are interested in the topic. Hopefully it will not be removed soon due to the (obvious) copyright issues.


G said...

...although the theory about the second explosion is questionable...

Simon Redrup said...

The chance of a second explosion now in 2010 are almost zero. The winter snow no longer melts on the shelter object of reactor 4, indicating a cooling of the reactor core, also we are approaching the half life of the Gamma emitting C-137 isotope that plagues the region.
Now is a really great and safe time to get in touch with Chernobyl Inter Inform to book your visit to this incredible place .. Pripyat is totally mindblowing

Anonymous said...

Second explosion 10 time more powerful than Hiroshima...hmmm 200kT. And what exactly was going to produce this kind of yield??? Second nuclear explosion of that force physically impossible. Baloney.

Laurie M said...

as I understand it, the second explosion would have set off explosions in the other three reactors.

Laurie M said...

As I understand it, the second explosion would have set off explosions in the other three reactors.